Thursday, August 13, 2015

Please and Thank You, Robot

Automated. Electronic. Digital. Screens. Impersonal. Disconnected. Connected. Oneness. Separation.

I'm confused!

I found myself saying THANK YOU to an automated service on the phone just now.


I guess that's a good thing. I haven't lost my manners. Did I ever have any is the real question. Am I nicer to robots than real people? Are people becoming robots as the robots become people? What is happening to the world as we slip into the digisphere?

Best I can do is TRY to stay off the screens for a few minutes a day. Went to visit Mom for the unveiling of my father's gravestone, very intense, and I remained in Florida for a few days with little to do. So I was almost constantly looking at my phone, my ipad, or tv. My brain is fried!

Last night when I got home, I found myself glued to the fb on my phone to the point where my phone got hot in my hand. What was I looking at? What was I searching for? Is this compulsive?

Unplugging is so important, but it is very difficult for me. Meditation, walking, cooking, reading, writing, playing piano...these are things I need to do more.

Today, I'm going to do my BEST to not be freaking PSYCHOTICally attached to my phone, my fb, my tv, and my ipad. I'm going to walk, breathe, read, meditate, visit with friends and even go to see some LIVE THEATRE! Could you imagine!?

Beep boo beep,
