Friday, July 24, 2015

Currently in the Current

Sat in meditation recently and asked some really important questions about my future.

Should I go back to school?

Should I teach more? Less?

Should I perform?

And the answers made me laugh out loud.

Spirit within told me that I am right on track. That's right, folks, I'm exactly where I need to be. Where have I heard that one before?

This message is all over my music, my message, and the spiritual path that I am on. Presence, true, authentic presence is where the magic and the answers lie. I don't need to push, force, or pull my way into happy. It's right here, right now, for the taking.

I am so very very blessed. Music, theater, laughter, friendship, family. So many amazing things in life to behold, be grateful for, and celebrate. Why is there this culture of not-enoughism everywhere I look?

Thinner, richer, stronger, faster, MORE MORE MORE MORE.

Exhausting, I tell ya.

I surrender. I surrender into this moment. Into this body, this mind, this NOW. And it's a beautiful place, a beautiful face, and a beautiful feeling.

Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for once again reminding me that ALL is truly WELL.