Thursday, May 15, 2008

Book Update plus my BOX!

Since I've written, I know it's been too long, I met a literary agent at a convention that asked to see Clementine and I just received a request through email from another agency that I had queried! Clementine is still out there, getting ready to be picked up. I'm still excited about her, I'm just really focused on this KICK ASS tour that I'm on.

Right now I'm writing from a hostel in Denver, and this place is awesome! I just saw IN BRUGE with Colin Farrell, which was AWESOME, and also just came from a full body massage...she was VERY good. Now I'm off to Indian food with a new friend and my show here is tomorrow night.

I've posted a pic of my new tip box that I made from scratch with the help of my friends Jade and Ruby in St. Louis!

More later


Zenmomma said...

LOVE the tip box! It looks a lot like the kind of art I like to create. I can't wait to see you this week. Yippeeeeeee......

dharmamama said...

Thanks - I've always wanted to see your box. ;)