Saturday, March 7, 2015


Almost every day I do a 15 minute 'chakra aligning' mediation. I found it a while back when I was searching for a simple meditation that I could do daily, to enlarge my peace and serenity. Reverend Carol Carnes, who I greatly respect, said that "if you aren't mediating, you are trying too hard." She speaks my language. I dig ease.

I recently came upon Teal Swan. Her videos are wonderful! One of them I watched last night was about allowing the energy around you, while you are mediating, to move you gently. She spoke of the resistance that occurs naturally in our bodies as we have trained ourselves to be somewhat ignorant of the energy and forces around us. This is why we 'sit still.' This video opened my eyes. Sometimes when I'm mediating, I feel my body moving and I'm not moving it! So this video explained why.

Anyway, today, I listened to my 15 minute chakra video while keeping in mind the tips that Teal gives about letting the energy move me. In this video, the tone for each chakra is played on a singing bowl and with an electronic music sound. I found myself listening to my body and moving when I felt an openness in that 'area.' For instance, in my 2nd chakra, which is the chakra of creativity, my body went nearly wild. It was by far the most movement the whole meditation. The two chakras where I had barely any movement kind of trouble me.

When we got to the heart chakra, I was almost completely still. And I began thinking of all the heartbreak I have endured in my lifetime. Most recently, the death of my father, by heart attack. I am also in the middle of a really intense decision concerning my heart space and my love relationship. So it was quite interesting how 'blocked' I felt in this area.

The other area I felt stuck in was my 3rd eye chakra. This to me represents the ease with knowing what the 'right' thing to do is. Again, I'm in a really interesting spot right now where a big decision is being made. This chakra being blocked made complete sense.

Just thought I'd share this journey with you and give you the opportunity to try it for yourself. Each chakra represents another part of your life, so maybe you can see where you are blocked and try to open it up with this meditation. I do feel very peaceful and serene right now, which is lovely.

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