Wednesday, May 20, 2015

No More Crazy! Meditate!

It is imperative for me to meditate.

If I don't, I'm crazy. That's all there is to it.

If I don't sit daily, for at LEAST 10 minutes, quiet my body, relax my mind, ask Spirit to guide me, I'm straight up nuts.

Carol Carnes said in a talk, "If you aren't meditating, you are trying too hard."

And I've found that to be ABSOLUTELY true for me.

It feels like I'm pushing hard against the world when I don't meditate. And when I do, when I really PRACTICE it, daily, my world is COMPLETELY altered. I mean, COMPLETELY.

Please, don't take it from me. TRY IT YOURSELF!

Here's a link to my favorite meditation. Try it. Just sit down, and try it.



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