Thursday, May 8, 2008


The swirling vortex of fate and possibility has led me to the next breadcrumb. I am quite sure that my purpose is being unveiled as I journey across these great United States. The planet is in crisis and I am determined to use my entertaining voice to bring awareness and aid to her struggle.

An idea I'm having right now is a new one woman show about Sustainability and Social Awareness concerning this gorgeous world of ours. Something that has really knocked me over the head is the consumer mentality that propels us in our everyday lives.

Disposable, plastic, temporary everything is raping us of substance and respect. I can see this in my own life, when I awaken to the fact that when I'm perusing in Target I have a deep sense of calm. This is ridiculous, but true. So help me with any ideas you might have to motivate people. The last thing I want to do is become some preacher!

First things first, what I am realizing I can do is no longer use any disposable cups from Starbucks or Fast Food (eek). I am guilty of eating Subway on the road and an ocassional Wendy Salad. But I'm going to cut way back on that, and when I do go to a restaurant like that, I will use my own cup. It's an easy thing and we can all do it!

With sustainable love,

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Aurora said...
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