Monday, September 14, 2009

Weeew Heeeew!

For all of you who have been following my journey with Clementine, I must give you the greatest of all news so far with this adventure:

A very cool agent asked to read my full manuscript!!! This is just one of many steps in getting published, but it's an important one, and should be celebrated. Even if she ultimately rejects the book.


I am 40,000 words into book took, roughly halfway through. This book has been so exciting to write. The ritual has been: wake up, walk thirty minutes with NO music...letting the imagination run wild about the story, come home, brew coffee, shower, sit and write for NO LESS than one hour. It's a dream.

I love writing, and I love life. Just got back from GOOD VIBRATIONS in San Diego and that was a complete blast. I love unschoolers!!!!

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