Monday, October 26, 2009

Why I LOVE to write

It's my new passion, it is. Sitting down every morning for about an hour to write. Why do I love it so much? What is fueling this drive to put words together to make stories out of the thin air?

Power. Imagination. Fun.

I find it so incredibly powerful to dive into a world and watch it unfold. I learned this morning that I am a 'pantser' as opposed to a 'plotter.' The former writes by the seat of her pants, and that is what I do.

Is that what I'll always do, don't know. I'm finding my plot a bit sticky right now, so perhaps in the future I'll turn to plotting. But for now, I let the characters drive the story, sometimes totally surprised by their choices. Ultimately, I can tell them NO! If I want to, but most of the time they know what's best.

My imagination is tested, flexed, and happy. It has the opportunity to get out there and do something instead of sitting between my ears imagining shit about my own future. It would much rather be set free to ponder the next chapter than worry about bills, dinner or car problems.

Fun. Fun. Fun. Til Daddy takes the t-bird away. What the hell does that mean anyway? Well, whatever. No matter. Writing is fucking fun. I had to add a fucking to show how very much fun I feel it is. It's not just fun fun. It's fuu-cking fun. Like more fun than riding a rollercoaster blindfolded. (Never done it, but sounded fun.) More fun than hoola hooping on top of Mount Everest. (Never done that either, but sounds uber fun.)

So, that's it. Enough out of me. I'm going to write now.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Throwing up a Fist in the Face of the Block

Writer's block?

Write anyway.

That's the best advice I found while searching around online to figure out what to do next. I'm 55,000 words into book two of the Clementine series and I hit a wall. Felt like I have a jumble fuck of characters and it feels like it's going to take a miracle for it to all come together.

This life is a miracle and things happen daily that are miraculous, so will it be a miracle? Yes. But I believe miracles happen. The fact that I am writing my SECOND novel is, in itself, an absolutely fabulous divine happening.

Update on personal life after silly sleepless rant: All is well. Bunky and I are moving, which is exciting. We found the PERFECT place! I am loving my job teaching lately, starting to teach a theater class next week. Simple happiness is surrounding me and I'm embracing it.

Enough out of me, must pack.