Saturday, October 24, 2009

Throwing up a Fist in the Face of the Block

Writer's block?

Write anyway.

That's the best advice I found while searching around online to figure out what to do next. I'm 55,000 words into book two of the Clementine series and I hit a wall. Felt like I have a jumble fuck of characters and it feels like it's going to take a miracle for it to all come together.

This life is a miracle and things happen daily that are miraculous, so will it be a miracle? Yes. But I believe miracles happen. The fact that I am writing my SECOND novel is, in itself, an absolutely fabulous divine happening.

Update on personal life after silly sleepless rant: All is well. Bunky and I are moving, which is exciting. We found the PERFECT place! I am loving my job teaching lately, starting to teach a theater class next week. Simple happiness is surrounding me and I'm embracing it.

Enough out of me, must pack.

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