Saturday, May 16, 2015


Breathe through it. Just breathe. When we focus on our breath we can stay present. And in the present moment there is little fear and little worry. These things are usually connected to anxiety about the future, or regret about the past. But truly, all we have is this moment.

So right here, feel the air on your skin. Feel your feet on the floor. Become aware of the room you are in, the light that surrounds you, and the beat of your heart.

So grateful to be practicing the presence of just being here. This is where serenity for me lies. Right here, right now.


And sometimes I just want to stay still for awhile. I just want to lie down and check out for awhile. And so I let myself do this. I let myself be with the quiet and the the not-knowing. Sometimes I'm not sure of the next move or the next 'right thing.' And so, I do nothing. I just try to stay present, aware, and at peace. Peace is where the answers lie. Namaste.

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