Friday, June 19, 2015

Humble Tumbleweed

Back from my trip out west, I am humbled once again by life and it's treasures.

So many things happened in 10 days! It's almost hard to really explain the journey. I was able to facilitate my first retreat, with 52 women, in a breathtaking location in MacKenzie Bridge, Oregon. Also, I was gifted with the opportunity to lead a Meditation Service the following week, as well as perform twice and offer music for a Sunday Service in Portland.

Every piece of this trip was humbling in the best way.

During the retreat I felt like a tumbleweed. The wind of circumstance was blowing me all over the place, and at first I had a hard time finding bearings. But when I let go, with the help of the MANY amazing women, I was able to ride the wind and let the offerings come through me.

What a blessing to be able to let go and let the wings of LOVE carry me.

I was able to be a part of a satsang with Tigmonk as well, which was SO eye opening and from it came a hilarious new poem about Being Present. An extremely humbling experience.

Seeing the Western Women in my life was extremely healing for me as well. My lesbian moms, Gladys and Jade provided a backdrop for me to really create my own space, while providing loving arms to fall into, not to mention a hot tub under the night sky. Radiant, Shelley, and Mary Kay, are the three women who complete my coven in Oregon, and through them I really learned how to even more deeply love friends. Thank you, ladies. Laura and Elora in Portland really remind me how very much support I have in this Universe. Laura is my soul mirror an Elora is a healing witch. I LOVE YOU. So many others touched my soul during this trip. Thank you, everyone.

Letting go, even further now, as I rejoin my world here in North Carolina. Reentry can be a bitch for me, thinking I need to be somewhere else, after being a traveling arteest. But I know I'm EXACTLY where I need to be and I'm filled with gratitude for my partner, Nicole, our fur babies, and our gorgeous home.

Sending, receiving, and being love,


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