Thursday, December 10, 2015

Make Space

Major revelation yesterday evening as I was cleaning off the extremely cluttered dresser top.

A month or so ago, I rearranged the furniture in our bedroom to shift the energy around and to get my head away from the wall closest to the neighbor's blasting music. In moving the king sized bed to the front wall, I was able to clear window access and create an all around better flow.

The long antique dresser that my partner, Nicole, is unwilling to part with, and is actually quite beautiful, albeit cumbersome, is now the focal point when you enter the bedroom. I decided that I would always keep it really clear with a few pictures on it and a necklace tree. Simple, beautiful, welcoming.

About this time, I became entranced with essential oils and decided to dive into sharing them and building a business that I am so excited about I could squeal. The right side of the dresser top has become filled with oils, stickers, body butters I am creating, ideas, materials, and JOY.

So last night as I was straightening it up - the left side had collected laundry, pillows, some papers and other clutter - I had a wave of gratitude and awareness sweep over me. I became aware of this:

The space I had cleared was full of bliss. But it might not have happened if I hadn't cleared the space for it to happen. It got me so excited that I really took a lot of care clearing and straightening the area again. I think eventually I will move the oils to an office space, but I just love them and use them so much that I like them in the bedroom.

So my question for you is: what needs to be cleaned or cleared to make space for new exciting bliss in your life?

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