Sunday, April 20, 2008

Maxin Relaxin

Didn't write today!

Sometimes you just need to take a day off.

But...I did....

Edit a bit (couldn't help myself), for ANOTHER partial request. Yep, you heard it. ANOTHER partial request.

I've added up the queries I've made, and it totals over thirty - I have gotten five requests, so that's purty darn gud.

Now is where I begin to beat away the negative voices with my broomstick. Out, Out, Negative FEARS! Get out of my brain!

Also started to organize my space a bit for my subletter that will be taking over my place for three months, while I'm on tour. Should be interesting to see if I can keep up with my writing on tour. I know that I will be filling the well out there on the highway, that's for sure.

Hope you had a relaxing Sunday too!

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