Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Today, I didn't want to get out of bed. I just wanted to stay under the covers, curled up, away from the big bad day.

I leave in two days for tour and I've got a list of things to do that is a bit daunting. I'm not much of a procrastinator, so I thought it was important to make note of this moment. I don't wanna.


My apartment is so cozy and bright. And mine. When I am here, I'm surrounded by my art, my books, my dishes, my STUFF. When I get on the road, I surrender all of that. I have my car, my instruments, and one suitcase.

As I age, I mature into my sign more. I am a cancer, sign of the homemaker. My aquarius moon makes me the wandering type. So I think at some point I'm going to just have to invest somehow in a big ol camper.

Haven't mentioned the book much over the past few days because I've been receiving rejections, and haven't been writing. So I'm a tad depressed over all that. But I know creativity comes in waves, so I'll just hang on, do what's on my list, and good news is sure to come soon.


dharmamama said...

I have a friend who carries her "altar" with her when she's traveling. It all fits in a small-ish rubbermaid box - candles, statues, pictures, pretty scarves that she hangs in the place she's staying. Her hotel/retreat rooms always feel like home, even if she's just staying overnight.

A camper would be very cool! Like a turtle, you could carry your home with you.

Peggy Sez.. said...

Just finished reading everything on your blog for the past week..It sounds like you have been a busy lady. I hope you used the energy from the fight with your ex for good and not evil..(lol)..!

Don't let a few rejections get you down you are probably closer than you think to getting Clementine on her way to stardom.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting at the "Kitchen".As you can tell I don't post there too often (understatement).I'm glad you liked the moon phase widget,just click on it and it will take you to the site where you can get your own.

Have a safe trip and we will "talk" soon!

Peggy Sez.. said...

P.S. I put you on my Divas Seasons2 blogroll...'Cause I'm lazy that way. ;p