Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chaos Theory

Do you think it's all chaos? Not me. There's a definite order to things.

They seem so messy and random, but eventually the pieces fit together so perfectly it's mind-bending. Remember rubix cubes? Did you ever just sit and turn the sides over and over again and all of a sudden there was a completed side? That's how I feel about life sometimes.

Keep turning and turning and it will click.

So many wonderful things going on right now for me. I've committed to an hour every morning with Clementine. We are having a ball - 100 pages into book two. Still querying - nothing yet. Key word: YET. I know it will happen.

I'm so lucky to have Jake Ohman working on some drawings of Clem for the cover. Just fabulous.

Also, I've officially started a choir - the INSPIRE CHOIR of the Boca Raton Center for Spiritual Living. We are singing all original hurhs (my version of hymns). They are simple, melodic treats full of positivity and light. We have our first performance Sunday.

I have my second intervew with a music academy tomorrow to teach Musical Theater, Piano, Voice and some Guitar to students, which will be great for me. I've had a ton of free time on my hands and I want to have a full, busy life.

Finally, I've secured a college booking agent, which means I'm finally going to be making some money doing what I love! She is going to conferences next week, so cross your fingers that I book and book and book!

Bunky (Brad my love) and I are doing great - we are in the middle of Battlestar Galactica - LOVING IT. We are loosely planning for a February wedding, but more details on that to come.

All in all life is really good. Keeping active with morning walks, daily prayer and lots of good family time. My mom and I have gotten really close with me living down the street from her, so that's been awesome.

Babbling on....


Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Why does it hurt so much to be rejected?

Not just literarily, but literally.

I mean, receiving an email from an agent telling you that your book isn't quite what they need/want at this time isn't so terrible. But rejection from friends and loved ones. That's unbearable.

Recently, I was trying to help a friend. She was quite upset and so I put my two cents in and tried to soothe her with empathy. She outright insulted me and rejected me! OUCH!

Sometimes we are hurting and we hurt others. I get that. But why can't I see it for what it is and not take it so PERSONALLY!?

As far as Clementine, I have received four rejections from my queries so far. And it just feels like part of the process. I still believe in her very much.

Write on.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

On the write again...


It's been quite some time since I've blogged. Facebook sort of took over my life when it comes to this sort of thing, but it's important to keep this thing up, especially when it comes to Clementine.

I put her away for awhile because I was getting so many rejections, I thought she needed a rest. I also had to take some time to move back down to Florida from the mountains and was working hard on my one woman show through the winter.

Spring had me falling in love with Brad. We are engaged and he is my dear heart. We are past the furious love stage and so now I can re-focus on the writing and get down to work.

I've joined the www.querytracker.com site and am now submitting queries again to agents. If I am unable to find an agent within the next few months I am definitely going to self-publish her. She is too wonderful to keep to myself! I love her and want to share her with you!