Wednesday, August 12, 2009

On the write again...


It's been quite some time since I've blogged. Facebook sort of took over my life when it comes to this sort of thing, but it's important to keep this thing up, especially when it comes to Clementine.

I put her away for awhile because I was getting so many rejections, I thought she needed a rest. I also had to take some time to move back down to Florida from the mountains and was working hard on my one woman show through the winter.

Spring had me falling in love with Brad. We are engaged and he is my dear heart. We are past the furious love stage and so now I can re-focus on the writing and get down to work.

I've joined the site and am now submitting queries again to agents. If I am unable to find an agent within the next few months I am definitely going to self-publish her. She is too wonderful to keep to myself! I love her and want to share her with you!

1 comment:

Zenmomma said...

I'm glad you're blogging again. I hope Clementine gets the respect and publishing she deserves. And soon!