Thursday, September 20, 2012

Whirlwindy Life

To me, it feels like life is flying by. I think it's because I'm enjoying it so much. And I have so much to do! So many things on my plate:

1. KICKSTARTER campaign - which is a full time job of tweeting, posting, reposting, facebooking, telling every person I meet about it, praying about it, writing poems about it
2. PERFORMING - I have a show this Saturday at my favorite spot in town, Petra's - SUCH a delightful little cabaret spot. It is my HOME in Charlotte.
3. SLC CHARLOTTE - musical directing our One Love Choir there and coming up with song selections, not to mention rocking the F*ck out EVERY Sunday, which takes a lot of energy, but gives SO much.
4. NEW JOB! I am going to be teaching Musical Theater at the Children's Theater of Charlotte, which is so exciting I am jumping up and down right now (in my mind). 
5. HOME FRONT - kitties, puppies, man. Lots of upkeep there. I have been juicing lately, which is so yummy, but time consuming and take a lot of shopping for veggies and the patient action of shoving veggies
6. SONGWRITING and ART - time? what time? i have this amazing studio to create art in now, and I hardly do because I'm a busy little bee. I must be honest and say I have this group of girlfriends and we go to lunch nearly every day, so I could probably use some of that time to do stuff, but it's IMPERATIVE that I have my girl time.


we have reached $2,844 and we still have 52 days to go. Which tells me that we are WELL ON OUR way to my goal of $11,111. I am SO grateful to all the people who have pledged. It is such a weird thing, waiting for the pledges to roll in! I am finding new and interesting ways to get the word out! 

My fran (friend/fan) Sami Mack has been making these fabulous banners of my lyrics, with the link on them. Check them out:

Aren't they BEAUTIFUL! Thanks Sami! 

The fall is starting to roll in and I am loving the chilly mornings. Right now the sun is beaming through my studio and I'm sipping on dark roast, listening to the morning birds.

I've started a twitter where I do Spiritual Mind Treatments (which is affirmative prayer, always present and positive) at  - check it out. Whenever you need a little lift, I will be there to provide!

Gotta run...tons to do.

Love you,

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Been awhile!

Hello my dears.

Hope this post finds you dandy!

I haven't posted in forever...I originally started this blog when I began writing my Clementine novels. I have since taken a break from writing, and am more focused on making and performing my music.

I'd like to blog more.

And there's an exciting reason in this moment. I have started a KICKSTARTER campaign for my NEW CD, Surrender to the Incline. Here's a rough idea for the cover.

This is a very exciting journey. Basically I have a goal. I made this goal based on the bare-bones cost of making a record. I will be paying my producer, not quite as much as he's worth, and then I will be pressing the CD. There are other costs, but I don't want to bore you. The number I came up with to raise is. $11,111. Eleven is my lucky number! The campaign ends on November 11th too, so I'm extra dorky.

The second person to give gave me $111.11! I LOVE THAT! Thank you Julie Folkers! I started the campaign yesterday and have already raised $1,031. That's is truly amazing.

I thought I'd blog to share the emotions that are going through my head while I am doing this. It's a weird thing, asking for money. It's not a charity, you are getting something - the CD and other perks if you choose - but still, I'm asking for money. And it brings up so many feelings that are complicated. Feelings of 'am I good enough?' or 'is music that important for the world?'

I would like to flesh out these answers with you on my blog and I think it's a good exercise.

YES. I am good enough. I have been playing and writing and touring and giving my love for about 12 years now pretty consistently. Without a label. That means I do it all myself.

YES, music is important for the world. I can't tell you HOW MANY TIMES music has saved my life. Whether it's an Ani Difranco song I blasted during a break-up or a Karen Drucker tune that I listen to as a reminder that I am a DIVINE has helped ME tremendously. And I am a part of the world, so that means it's probably the same for you.

I can't tell you HOW MANY emails I've gotten from fans telling me that my songs helped them or lifted them up. But this doesn't matter. It's still weird to ask for money.

Yesterday, it was hard not to keep checking the computer every five minutes to see the donations. Today, I'm a little more relaxed and I am breathing, reminding myself that I am right where I need to be, and this is a blessing.

Thank you for listening. I really want to go eat steak. The last time I ate steak? No idea. But I'm craving it now.

OH! I nearly forgot. Here's the link:
