Saturday, February 28, 2015

Relaxed Saturday

We chilled out today. Like seriously. We woke up late and puttered around, sipping coffee and playing with the dogs. Then we got up and went out to breakfast at this little darling diner in our neighborhood. I had to return a few gifts I got at the mall, so we pranced over to the mall and poked around. Nothing spesh. Just chillin. Then we grocery shopped, came home, made some smoothies and watched a few of the new House of Cards episodes. Then we napped. We are going over to a friend's house to play games tonight. THIS IS THE LIFE.

I think it's IMPERATIVE to relax deeply and OFTEN. I forget this sometimes and find myself CRASHING. Today was wonderful, and it's only Saturday! Tomorrow I plan on digging even deeper and maybe getting a pedicure. Life is good. Grateful.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You knew about "house of cards" and you didn't tell me?