Thursday, December 10, 2015

Make Space

Major revelation yesterday evening as I was cleaning off the extremely cluttered dresser top.

A month or so ago, I rearranged the furniture in our bedroom to shift the energy around and to get my head away from the wall closest to the neighbor's blasting music. In moving the king sized bed to the front wall, I was able to clear window access and create an all around better flow.

The long antique dresser that my partner, Nicole, is unwilling to part with, and is actually quite beautiful, albeit cumbersome, is now the focal point when you enter the bedroom. I decided that I would always keep it really clear with a few pictures on it and a necklace tree. Simple, beautiful, welcoming.

About this time, I became entranced with essential oils and decided to dive into sharing them and building a business that I am so excited about I could squeal. The right side of the dresser top has become filled with oils, stickers, body butters I am creating, ideas, materials, and JOY.

So last night as I was straightening it up - the left side had collected laundry, pillows, some papers and other clutter - I had a wave of gratitude and awareness sweep over me. I became aware of this:

The space I had cleared was full of bliss. But it might not have happened if I hadn't cleared the space for it to happen. It got me so excited that I really took a lot of care clearing and straightening the area again. I think eventually I will move the oils to an office space, but I just love them and use them so much that I like them in the bedroom.

So my question for you is: what needs to be cleaned or cleared to make space for new exciting bliss in your life?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Broken Open


One of my students, an actor working with me on my original musical, sent me this PSA video he did for school.

I can NEVER doubt my affect on the world.

So grateful to be able to combine my musical gifts with teaching, to help create awareness. We all struggle, and we all have a tough time sometimes.



Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Wind is Boss

Standing outside with the pups, under a quiet grey autumn sky, the leaves are dancing to the ground from the trees. It's beautiful, serene. I can feel myself turning within, listening to the shedding of the world.

As I wait for each leaf to drift down to the ground, I examine the dead leaves still hanging on to the branches. They aren't ready to let go just yet, sweet things. We all have things we aren't ready to let go of yet, don't we? I certainly do.

A gust of wind shimmers in, shaking the massive tree I am standing under, and a dozen or so leaves come tumbling down in a flurry.

The wind isn't bargaining with the leaves. The wind is boss. It says, "LET GO!" And there's no fighting. The leaves have no defense!

This is the time of year where nature is reminding us all how to let go or be dragged.

Sometimes letting go is on my time, when I'm ready, and sometimes outside forces come storming in and force me to make a change. So many times in my life I've had to choose to change or die. Health, relationships, friendships, jobs...they all ask me to let go, let go, let go.

What do you need to surrender to? What is the wind in your life today? Where do you need to let the wind be boss?

Friday, September 4, 2015

Feeling the Feelings

The whole wild rainbow.

All of it.

Euphoria, devastation, peace, distress, excitement, boredom.

All of it. I want it all. I don't want to run from any of it.

It's all a part of the human experience.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Please and Thank You, Robot

Automated. Electronic. Digital. Screens. Impersonal. Disconnected. Connected. Oneness. Separation.

I'm confused!

I found myself saying THANK YOU to an automated service on the phone just now.


I guess that's a good thing. I haven't lost my manners. Did I ever have any is the real question. Am I nicer to robots than real people? Are people becoming robots as the robots become people? What is happening to the world as we slip into the digisphere?

Best I can do is TRY to stay off the screens for a few minutes a day. Went to visit Mom for the unveiling of my father's gravestone, very intense, and I remained in Florida for a few days with little to do. So I was almost constantly looking at my phone, my ipad, or tv. My brain is fried!

Last night when I got home, I found myself glued to the fb on my phone to the point where my phone got hot in my hand. What was I looking at? What was I searching for? Is this compulsive?

Unplugging is so important, but it is very difficult for me. Meditation, walking, cooking, reading, writing, playing piano...these are things I need to do more.

Today, I'm going to do my BEST to not be freaking PSYCHOTICally attached to my phone, my fb, my tv, and my ipad. I'm going to walk, breathe, read, meditate, visit with friends and even go to see some LIVE THEATRE! Could you imagine!?

Beep boo beep,


Friday, July 24, 2015

Currently in the Current

Sat in meditation recently and asked some really important questions about my future.

Should I go back to school?

Should I teach more? Less?

Should I perform?

And the answers made me laugh out loud.

Spirit within told me that I am right on track. That's right, folks, I'm exactly where I need to be. Where have I heard that one before?

This message is all over my music, my message, and the spiritual path that I am on. Presence, true, authentic presence is where the magic and the answers lie. I don't need to push, force, or pull my way into happy. It's right here, right now, for the taking.

I am so very very blessed. Music, theater, laughter, friendship, family. So many amazing things in life to behold, be grateful for, and celebrate. Why is there this culture of not-enoughism everywhere I look?

Thinner, richer, stronger, faster, MORE MORE MORE MORE.

Exhausting, I tell ya.

I surrender. I surrender into this moment. Into this body, this mind, this NOW. And it's a beautiful place, a beautiful face, and a beautiful feeling.

Thank you, Sweet Spirit, for once again reminding me that ALL is truly WELL.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Coming to Terms with the Gay in Me


This is going to be a very honest blog post.

If you aren't up for such a thing, stop reading now.

Okay, you're in it to win it, so let's talk about this.

Internalized homophobia.

I got it. I suffer from it.

I really do.


When I reflect on my life, I can see and KNOW that from a really, really, really young age, I liked girls (and boys, but that's not what this is about).

My first kiss was with a girl. Actually, a group of girls, in 4th grade. We all decided to 'practice' kissing with each other. It went on for quite a few delicious minutes. I can remember wanting to keep on keeping on, and the rest of the girls were ready to move on to choreographing a dance, or playing dress up with our fluorescent ties.

I think that was my first feeling of 'rejection' from a female.

This continued into middle school. There was a girl in 7th grade that I had a mad crush on, who I wanted to be around all the time, hold her hand, gaze at her dark skin and deep brown eyes, but she wasn't into it. I think I made a move. Rejected again. Meanwhile, I was in LOVE with boys all the time. Boy crazy. But again, another post for another time. We are talking about the gayness ya'll.

Again and again, over the years, it seems that I fell into the 'falling in love with your best friend' trap. And every time, my best friend was 'straight' or just not into it. In college, my best friend and I ended up drunk and totally did it on the bathroom floor, but called it 'experimental' the next day and both moved on to the next male.  When I remember that morning after, I remember feeling deeply heartbroken that she wasn't experiencing and expressing feelings of love for me. I denied mine. (Side note, the next year she had a girlfriend. Ouch.)

Since college years, I've been dating male after male, always knowing that I could NOT DIE without the experience of being with a female on a romantic level.

Here we are, I'm 41 and I have finally met a woman that is into me.!!! APPLAUSE!

She loves me back, I'm wildly attracted to her, and we are in relationship. Nicole and I have been together now for over a year, and it is the most peaceful, mature, loving relationship I've ever had.

Does this mean I'm gay? (AHHHHHH!!!!!! Screaming, running around, denial melting)

I'm pretty sure I'm mostly homoromantic (a phrase I've recently discovered that means I fall deeper in LOVE with women), but I'm 100% sure I'm bisexual.

On to the homophobia.

When the ruling for gay marriage came through yesterday, I felt it bubble up.

I got goosebumps, and tears welled up, and I felt a VICTORIOUS feeling come over me.

But...then...I also felt....

Wait, this is wrong! We are wrong! Hell! Brimstone!

I am ASHAMED, deeply ASHAMED that these thoughts came up. I know SO many amazing gay couples that this ruling DEEPLY affects in MANY ways. So please please understand that my CONSCIOUS mind was not thinking these things. It was my subconscious, my programming.

What's fascinating about this is that I grew up Jewish. So I had no ideas of HELL programmed into me by my religious upbringing. But the society I grew up in, redneck Florida, was super helly and Christ-ey. So deep in the back of my mind, I must have learned that gay is wrong. Jews are sort of grandfathered into heaven (chosen and all), so being Jewish was never a problem for me personally (I have TONS of friends persecuted for being Jewish - another blog for another time), but gay!? JESUS.  (pun intended) Bad.

I have been in the theater my whole life. My world is saturated with gayness. I LOVE the gay. I live the gay. I AM the gay. RuPaul is my SHERO. Alix Olson and Ani Difranco brought me up. I know every word to "Galileo."

So what's the problem.

WHAT'S the problem.

WHAT IS THIS SHIT> There's a part of me that thinks I'm wrong, bad, just plain...sinful.



I think admitting it, and talking about it, unearthing it, bringing it into the LIGHT will get a conversation about self-hate, self-judgment going. And this is what I desire. I want to hear about your own struggle with your sexuality. Feeling alone in this is scary and weird. I called my sister yesterday, panicked.

"I NEED A RABBI!" - Rabbi Jenny (my sissy) to the rescue.

I said, "I feel wrong being gay."


She told me that I was coming out late in life, and that I had always been afraid and that this is a very intense time for me. She assured me that it is in no way 'wrong' in the 'eyes of God,' and that it simply IS. God is love, and gayness is a part of the DIVINE nature of life.

And I believe this. OF COURSE I FUCKING BELIEVE THIS. HELLO, have you met me!?!?!?!? But I have to confront these weird thoughts, and talk about them with my people.

I know that yesterday was an HISTORICAL day. And I'm SO proud to be American. And I'm proud of the love I have with Nicole. But I'm also tortured at times with my own self-condemnation from a society that tells me I'm wrong, I'm going to hell, and it's not NATURAL.

This morning I googled 'science and homosexuality.' Taking action against my fear.

And I found so many cool things about the gay.

There are so many different flavors of gay in the animal kingdom. We are not the only species that experiences homo love. And I know this. I've read this before. But I read more about it, again reminding myself that there's nothing WRONG with me. And there's certainly nothing wrong with YOU.

Thank you for listening, and being here with me through this intense, hopeful, transformative, trying but amazing time.

Congratulations to my friends who are ready to get married, and to those friends already married that are now legal everywhere. It is truly awesome.

With rainbow flavored love,


IMPORTANT P.S. I am not writing this so that my religious Christian friends can in any way exacerbate my fear. Please, if you happen to agree that I am bad and gay is wrong and hell is real, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT respond to this. Do not write anything even slightly resembling that. This is what I'm trying to HEAL from. Thank you.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

First Father's Day Without My Daddy

Tears streaming down my face. Today I've felt off. Just a pit in the stomach feeling most of the day. I know why. It's the first Father's Day without my Daddy.

In the past, this day has been one where I felt so extremely lucky to have the Dad I have. Almost in an 'in yo face' kind of way. My Dad was the BEST. My Dad was better than your dad. Period. Better than all dads ever.

And now he's gone.

I know, he lives on in my heart and my memory, but I will never see his big hands again, or hear one of his super terrible deliveries of a joke. He will never tell me I'm "AWESOME" again, and I won't get to be with him as an old man, which I always strangely looked forward to for some reason.

Remembering my Daddy, I have a few great memories that pop into my head.

His love of cars, and how that got passed on to me - classic cars in particular. For my 16th birthday he got me an Impala convertible, which I would DIE for today, but I HATED it, mostly because I thought it was too big, and my butt was big, and I'd just be the big girl in the big car, and that's a whole other blog. But, my Dad, without even flinching, went out and got me what I wanted (spoiled brat, but it WAS an amazing price) a '69 convertible Camaro. I WISH I STILL HAD THAT CAR!

Learning how to ride a bike, and his helping me with that. The freedom that came from riding my bike, this came from my Dad. I can almost smell the air and feel the feeling of freedom, when the training wheels came off. It's a vague memory, but a great one.

My mom and my dad dancing at all of our bar/bat mitzvahs, and my sister and my brothers weddings. The way they soared around the dance floor. When my Dad would get in the center of the circle, a little drunk, and the smile he had so big on his handsome face.

So many great memories. I drove this man nuts as a teen. I'm sorry, Dad. I was a shit.

Thank you.

I miss you.

I'm sad.

I love you.

Happy Father's Day

Friday, June 19, 2015

Humble Tumbleweed

Back from my trip out west, I am humbled once again by life and it's treasures.

So many things happened in 10 days! It's almost hard to really explain the journey. I was able to facilitate my first retreat, with 52 women, in a breathtaking location in MacKenzie Bridge, Oregon. Also, I was gifted with the opportunity to lead a Meditation Service the following week, as well as perform twice and offer music for a Sunday Service in Portland.

Every piece of this trip was humbling in the best way.

During the retreat I felt like a tumbleweed. The wind of circumstance was blowing me all over the place, and at first I had a hard time finding bearings. But when I let go, with the help of the MANY amazing women, I was able to ride the wind and let the offerings come through me.

What a blessing to be able to let go and let the wings of LOVE carry me.

I was able to be a part of a satsang with Tigmonk as well, which was SO eye opening and from it came a hilarious new poem about Being Present. An extremely humbling experience.

Seeing the Western Women in my life was extremely healing for me as well. My lesbian moms, Gladys and Jade provided a backdrop for me to really create my own space, while providing loving arms to fall into, not to mention a hot tub under the night sky. Radiant, Shelley, and Mary Kay, are the three women who complete my coven in Oregon, and through them I really learned how to even more deeply love friends. Thank you, ladies. Laura and Elora in Portland really remind me how very much support I have in this Universe. Laura is my soul mirror an Elora is a healing witch. I LOVE YOU. So many others touched my soul during this trip. Thank you, everyone.

Letting go, even further now, as I rejoin my world here in North Carolina. Reentry can be a bitch for me, thinking I need to be somewhere else, after being a traveling arteest. But I know I'm EXACTLY where I need to be and I'm filled with gratitude for my partner, Nicole, our fur babies, and our gorgeous home.

Sending, receiving, and being love,


Friday, May 29, 2015

Led by the Leash of Love

My dearest pup Luna has been incorrectly trained by me and it is what it is. Since she's a little baby, I've let her run wild as I walk the neighborhood. I walk at a quiet time, about 10 am, and I put on her leash, but I let her run alongside me, exploring yards, chasing birds, just being a free pup. She LOVES it.

There is nobody around, and if there is, she really isn't interested. She just wants to be FREE. She runs her ass off. She runs until she pants, her tongue wildly wagging as she makes her way from bush to bush, yard to yard, loving life.

After about 8 minutes of freedom, she is totally exhausted. She comes to me and says with her eyes, "Please, take the leash now. I'm wearing myself out, and if you don't take the leash, I'm going to continue to run myself ragged." This is what I hear her say with her eyes.

So I take the leash for a bit and we walk together. She catches her breath and finds her center, gearing up for another tear through the world. When she's ready to go again, I say, "Go!" and she takes off running, never out of my sight, but free as the wind. She is blissed out by the time we get home.

I have trained her this way. It is my fault. Probably the reason is because I lived with a guy in Boone who had two dogs and they were never on leashes. He had TRAINED them to come when he called and stay by his side, however. So, I sort of just let Luna be free. She's now a big mess. But she loves it and so do I.

It struck me yesterday on our walk what a spiritual lesson this whole thing is for us. She comes to me when she needs me to calm her, just like I go to Spirit, prayer and meditation when I need to calm down. But sometimes, I run myself ragged, wild in the wind, with nothing really guiding me but my own urge for freedom. It's nice to know I can always go to Go(o)d when I need to be led by the leash of love.

Here  are two one of my favorites of Luna (the big brown one) and Tiki (tiny black demon).

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

No More Crazy! Meditate!

It is imperative for me to meditate.

If I don't, I'm crazy. That's all there is to it.

If I don't sit daily, for at LEAST 10 minutes, quiet my body, relax my mind, ask Spirit to guide me, I'm straight up nuts.

Carol Carnes said in a talk, "If you aren't meditating, you are trying too hard."

And I've found that to be ABSOLUTELY true for me.

It feels like I'm pushing hard against the world when I don't meditate. And when I do, when I really PRACTICE it, daily, my world is COMPLETELY altered. I mean, COMPLETELY.

Please, don't take it from me. TRY IT YOURSELF!

Here's a link to my favorite meditation. Try it. Just sit down, and try it.



Monday, May 18, 2015


Just for a moment. 

Think of someone who loves you.

Really ADORES you. 

Feel the love in your heart space. 

Now, think of someone you love. Intensely. Feel that feeling. 

Let it grow inside of you. 

Now go out into the world and cultivate! 

That's my plan for the day.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


Breathe through it. Just breathe. When we focus on our breath we can stay present. And in the present moment there is little fear and little worry. These things are usually connected to anxiety about the future, or regret about the past. But truly, all we have is this moment.

So right here, feel the air on your skin. Feel your feet on the floor. Become aware of the room you are in, the light that surrounds you, and the beat of your heart.

So grateful to be practicing the presence of just being here. This is where serenity for me lies. Right here, right now.


And sometimes I just want to stay still for awhile. I just want to lie down and check out for awhile. And so I let myself do this. I let myself be with the quiet and the the not-knowing. Sometimes I'm not sure of the next move or the next 'right thing.' And so, I do nothing. I just try to stay present, aware, and at peace. Peace is where the answers lie. Namaste.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Feeling Beautiful

I feel beautiful.

I don't feel skinny or young or in shape. But I feel beautiful.

I know I am beautiful. I look in the mirror and I say "I am glad to be you today." This, of course, implies that I am more than this body and it is a privilege to inhabit these bones and muscles and to get to view this magical world through these eyes and this brain.

I'm writing about this because a post on fb I read this morning reminded me of how I used to believe whatever YOU believed about me to be true. The post said something like " my friend told me I was a six and I think he's right." I am paraphrasing, but the essence was that she was 'rated' on a scale of one to ten and basically agreed of her 'imperfect' number, etc...

So many things about this got me thinking.

Of course, it is hard to be told something obviously hurtful and not be hurt. But if you told me I was a bird or a plane, it would be easy for me to prove to myself I am not a bird or a plane. I know in the depth of my being I am not a bird or a plane. I am human. Duh.

But call me a 'Six'  and you hit every nerve of low self-worth and low self-esteem, every time I have compared myself to magazine beauty. It might be a bit tougher to remember the truth of who I am. I am a perfect ME. Right now. Right here. At this weight, age, height, wisdom.

It truly is an inside job. Today, I felt suddenly aware that while I love you, I don't really give a shit if you think I am beautiful or smart or good enough. Because I am sure of these things about myself today. Maybe it is something that happens as i've gotten older. Life becomes more precious, and there is less time to waste on your opinion of me.

You are beautiful, but don't take it from me because it doesn't matter what I think.

Inward ho,


Friday, April 3, 2015

Sweet Freedom!

Well it has been quite an interesting month.

Decided NOT to go to Chicago after all, following a profound conversation with my would-be boss, the delightful Lola Wright. She offered me the opportunity to consider what it might feel like NOT to go. And , quite honestly, I hadn't even conSIDered that!

When I did, I found myself overwhelmed with relief and a feeling of peace and freedom. I realized that my life in Charlotte is perfection, my Spiritual Center in Charlotte is my heart, my friends here are remarkable, the travel time to family is easy, and it is BEAUTIFUL in Charlotte most of the year.

Sweeet Freeeeeedom!

To back out, walk away, say NO, tune in to what I truly desire! What bliss!

Perfect for this time of year.

It is Passover and Easter and Spring! Time to get free!

I did some intense meditation around my life purpose recently and came up with the notion that I am no longer in any way okay with the feeling of desperation. However, I can see where desperation has served me quite well in the past. It was, you see, the gift of desperation that brought me to my spitritual path which has ultimately led me to joy, peace and freedom.

But I am growing into a place of self-trust. This means really listening to those gut feelings, which I really have never trusted before. I can now. I am ready to be true to myself. For a very long time I have had to seek outside help and I still do at times, but for the BIG decisions, All I need is to tune in to my Higher Self and listen.

And so I say, free yourslf from bondage. Rise up. Break out. What is it that you really want to do? It may hurt others. It may disappoint. Perhaps it will feel really weird. Just do it. You have THIS MOMENT. It is divine, precious, and not to be wasted.

Happy holidays!

To freedom, resurrection, and blooming,


Saturday, March 7, 2015


Almost every day I do a 15 minute 'chakra aligning' mediation. I found it a while back when I was searching for a simple meditation that I could do daily, to enlarge my peace and serenity. Reverend Carol Carnes, who I greatly respect, said that "if you aren't mediating, you are trying too hard." She speaks my language. I dig ease.

I recently came upon Teal Swan. Her videos are wonderful! One of them I watched last night was about allowing the energy around you, while you are mediating, to move you gently. She spoke of the resistance that occurs naturally in our bodies as we have trained ourselves to be somewhat ignorant of the energy and forces around us. This is why we 'sit still.' This video opened my eyes. Sometimes when I'm mediating, I feel my body moving and I'm not moving it! So this video explained why.

Anyway, today, I listened to my 15 minute chakra video while keeping in mind the tips that Teal gives about letting the energy move me. In this video, the tone for each chakra is played on a singing bowl and with an electronic music sound. I found myself listening to my body and moving when I felt an openness in that 'area.' For instance, in my 2nd chakra, which is the chakra of creativity, my body went nearly wild. It was by far the most movement the whole meditation. The two chakras where I had barely any movement kind of trouble me.

When we got to the heart chakra, I was almost completely still. And I began thinking of all the heartbreak I have endured in my lifetime. Most recently, the death of my father, by heart attack. I am also in the middle of a really intense decision concerning my heart space and my love relationship. So it was quite interesting how 'blocked' I felt in this area.

The other area I felt stuck in was my 3rd eye chakra. This to me represents the ease with knowing what the 'right' thing to do is. Again, I'm in a really interesting spot right now where a big decision is being made. This chakra being blocked made complete sense.

Just thought I'd share this journey with you and give you the opportunity to try it for yourself. Each chakra represents another part of your life, so maybe you can see where you are blocked and try to open it up with this meditation. I do feel very peaceful and serene right now, which is lovely.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Making Dreams Come True

Today I had a recording session with my friend Linda who KICKSTARTED me. With her rewards, she got a session writing a song with me and we made a demo in my little home studio. WHAT A BLAST. To see her eyes light up as I layered her vocal and played piano to her words. Truly, my deepest bliss.
Now, I'm no recording genius, but I'm getting better and better each time I work with someone. And it is really fulfilling. I use LOGIC and I have a decent mic set up, using a pretty simple interface. These are things I figured out on my own a year ago, after my last breakup. I can't tell you how exciting it is to learn a new skill that is really just a hobby.

And now, I'm going to watch an episode of SPARTACUS, eat lunch, and get ready to teach musical theater this evening. We have our showcases next week, and then I'm off for two weeks before I move to Chicago. So a lot going on right now!

I love making dreams come true. My own included.

Thank God for coffee. Helps keep me goin!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Relaxed Saturday

We chilled out today. Like seriously. We woke up late and puttered around, sipping coffee and playing with the dogs. Then we got up and went out to breakfast at this little darling diner in our neighborhood. I had to return a few gifts I got at the mall, so we pranced over to the mall and poked around. Nothing spesh. Just chillin. Then we grocery shopped, came home, made some smoothies and watched a few of the new House of Cards episodes. Then we napped. We are going over to a friend's house to play games tonight. THIS IS THE LIFE.

I think it's IMPERATIVE to relax deeply and OFTEN. I forget this sometimes and find myself CRASHING. Today was wonderful, and it's only Saturday! Tomorrow I plan on digging even deeper and maybe getting a pedicure. Life is good. Grateful.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Time, Precious Time

Do you ever struggle with how exactly to spend your precious time?

I have just spent the last two hours battling with music notation software, and I wonder...
There are plenty of people who have this skill locked tight under their belt, and for a small fee they would gladly notate my music for me!

But, I'll tell ya. It is ALWAYS good to learn a new skill and to flex the brain. When Math got hard in school I just gave up. I didn't like it, and I wasn't very good at it, so I put my attention elsewhere. Theater, music, dance. And that's all fine and dandy. But today, I'm a songwriter, and you need a few of these skills if you want to include others in the making of your music.

I am SO excited that I'm going to be leading the choir at Bodhi Spiritual Center starting Easter Sunday. We are going to be doing my song, "Rise," which is SUCH a blast. But it's a weird tune, like most of my tunes. The timing is funky and the chords are it's NOT easy to notate! But I'm determined!

Even if I have to just give lyric sheets and chord sheets to the musicians, I WILL HAVE SOMETHING!!!

Is it a waste of time to learn this new skill? Perhaps. And that's okay. It's okay to waste some time. It is precious, and yet, we are infinite.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ready, Set...GROW!

When it's time to grow, we grow or go.

Life is either expanding or shrinking. This is my experience. I'm not a great 'maintainer.' I'm either heading in the direction of my dreams, working hard toward a goal, or I'm lazing around doing nothing, spiraling into blahdom.

This is why I took the job in Chicago as Creative Arts Director at the Bodhi Spiritual Center! 

I'm ready for more growth. I'm ready to learn new skills, explore a new city, and find new power within myself. It's scary, and I can't lie, I'm feeling quite ovewhelmed, but I can't say no!

Grateful for all the supportive people in my live, encouraging me to try something new. Bodhi Spiritual Center will be a fantastic place for me to get to know my inner world better and also to seek being of service in a larger way with my musical gifts.

Loving life. Ready for change. Ready, set...GROW!