Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just Can't Wait!

To get on the road again!

Well, that's not exactly true.

My head is about to spin off as I pack, clean, arrange, send posters, fill in the tour holes, contact friends, email, post bulletins.

See you out there I hope :)

The perfect agent for Clementine is out there just waiting for me
The perfect agent for Clementine is out there just waiting for her
The perfect agent for Clementine is going to contact me very soon
The perfect agent for Clementine thinks she is a brilliant MC
The perfect agent for Clementine is excited about signing me!


1 comment:

The PettiCoat Pirate said...

Hi Girlie!
I added a link to your blog on my blog. You asked if I knew how to do this...i didn't, but now I do. Just go into manage layout, then click "add a page element", a menu will come up, pick the add a link, and WhaaaLaaa!
