Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sent out my first hard copy response to an agent. Feels like I'm gambling with aces! Who knows what is coming next.

Today has been an emotional day. My ex came over and I got my feelings hurt. BIG surprise there. Me, feelings, hurt!? Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Cancer with a cancer rising and a venus in LEO.

This makes me an oversensitive egomaniacal diva.

Yes. That's me!

So, back to writing. I've been working mostly on spiffing up my synopsis. I tell ya, the synopsis and query writing is quite a bear. They have to be snappy and tight.

Back to polishing!


carin said...

sending you lots of love and hugs babe. hope to hear your voice again soon. smooch

hahamommy said...

The whole family's in the office, when I say, "Oh, I think this means Amy and D have broken up..." :'( Scotty says, in his ooolala voice, "hmmmmm, does that mean she's single?" ::::vbg::::
How nice you can have Clem act out your frustrations for you ;) no one gets hurt and you feel *much* better!
(you may felt a bit weaker today because I was needing some BIG TIME Amy comfort and called you and your perfect songs to be near me while I wept and embraced my inner Sad -- doesn't happen often, I'm glad you were here! Next time I'll send you a text message as warning ::bg::)

dharmamama said...

I have to say... I had the same reaction as Scotty! Not that I'm self-centered or anything.

Though I do have the urge to come have a talkin'-to with your ex. What? Hurt *Amy's* feelings? Not on my watch. Hmm... guess that's how people end up on Jerry Springer!

kelli said...

Hugs to you, our beautiful singing writing Goddess, I know this is a bit late (from when you wrote it) but still sending love to you :)

Can't wait to read your book!