Friday, April 4, 2008

Virginal Blogger - Secret of Novel Writing

Ooh. My first blog. I feel so innocent.

Been a long time since I felt that!

I'm sitting in my dark apartment on a Friday night, obsessing over my first novel. The entire process has been thrilling beyond my wildest dreams. I used to daydream about being an author, but I never thought I could develop the attention span to sit still long enough to complete a thought, let alone tons strung together.

I have figured out the secret!

You must write about something that you absolutely LOVE. The main character has to be so sassy, so exciting, so absolutely irresistible to YOU, that you simply can't stop writing.

Growing up an A-student and an overachiever, I always figured that if I were going to write a novel, it had better be the GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL, damnit!

But my friend Dawn Wasserman told me recently that I am writing the Great American Novel! It is a paranormal chick-lit mystery - everyone needs a little Clementine Wilder. Sure, you have to have a huge catharsis once in awhile, but you need a yummy dessert once daily, dontcha?! The Great American Novel these days is a novel that SELLS! I believe Clementine will sell.

But beyond that...I ENJOY the fuck out of writing her. She is a clairvoyant rock singer, on the verge of full-out rock stardom. Juggling men, talking to ghosts, reading minds....all the things I either do or wish I could do! I include my favorite topics of Astrology, Tarot Cards, and Crystals. Too much damn fun.

So, I want to encourage all you out there who feel like you want to write a book. YOU CAN. If I can (super attention deficit sitch here guys) - anyone can.

Welcome to my blog!


Zenmomma said...

Welcome to the blogging world Miss Amy! I can't wait to meet Clementine if she's got you this excited. I shall be back here to visit often.

Jamey said...

Wow Miss Amy You never stop thrilling me and keep me looking for what you are going to do next.
I can't wait to read about Clementine You are amazing and so creative. I must say that she sounds alot like you and alot like my HP
Forever Watching your Every Move
Your biggest Fan

hahamommy said...

I never heard of a "cherry-poppin party" -- until now ♥ Welcome to the world of Blogger :)