Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spring Tour Kickoff

Spring Tour 2008
Day One

Newport News
Starving Artist Studio!

I am sitting here post-show with Marlene, her hubby Mike and their two dogs Zeus and Bacchus. These people are amazing. The show was adorable tonight, quite intimate...I know that I'll be back there and we'll rock out a huge crowd.

The drive was beautiful today, I took a shot of this flower bush on the side of the road, amazed by it. Drank me some S-bux as you can see, next to the great ticket that was made for the show.

I also created a coffee mug at the Studio, which was fun, although I'm pooped. Now I'm watching "Step it up and DANCE" on BRAVO, which I admit I'm addicted to. So bye for now!

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